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IT BEGAN: Iowa Governor Lifts Mask mandate and Social Distancing, Media Was Sarcastic (Feb 8)


   ...AND MONTANA Lifts Mask Mandate (Feb 12)


THEN THE LARGEST RED STATE: Texas Governor Announces 100% Reopening, No More Mask Mandate




   ... AND ALABAMA To End Mask Mandate For Good in April


THE MASK IN-CHIEF: Biden Says Lifting Mask Mandates Is ‘Neanderthal Thinking’


THE COVID CZAR HAS SPOKEN: Fauci Rips Texas Move to Fully Back to Normal


   ... Texas Governor Fires Back 


   ... Montana Governor Also Fires Back


COVID Lockdown Is As Bad For You As Smoking 15 Cigarettes a Day


Coming 'COVID-19 passports' – Mark of the Beast?


9 Reasons to Believe the Worst of the Pandemic Is Over


Vaccine Passports Are a Terrible Idea That Will Erode Our Freedoms


Zero COVID Is an Authoritarian Fantasy


COVID Was 'Best Thing Ever' for Biden's Campaign, Aide Admits


GOP Wants Link between National Institutes of Health, Wuhan Investigated


(INSANE) Harvard Researchers: COVID Wouldn't Be So Bad if U.S. Paid Reparations


CDC Study: About 7,000 Reactions From COVID-19 Vaccine Reported in The First Month


Medical Martial Law and Propaganda Are Driven by Stealth and Marketing of a Bioweapon Disguised as a Vaccine!


Using Herd Immunity Myth to Justify COVID Vaccines for Kids Is Deceptive — and Dangerous


Top Biden COVID Adviser Wrong About Spiking COVID-19 Numbers (Again)


Kids' Mental Health Has Suffered During Covid-19 Pandemic


Updates on CCP Virus: Vitamin D Significantly Reduces Deaths, Study Claims


Strip Governors of Their COVID Emergency Powers


China Spearheaded Misinformation Campaign, Profited off Pandemic


Shock: Just Half to Get Coronavirus Vaccine, Rest Cite Safety, Effectiveness, Needles


Government Lockdowns, Not The Virus, Booted Millions Of Women From The Workforce


Lockdowns Are Killing Us


WHO Adviser: Wuhan COVID-19 Probe ‘Done By Chinese Authorities’


Coronavirus Hurt Theme Parks, Costing Disney $2.6 Billion


A Day In The Life Of A Brewery Being Crushed By LA’s Ever-Shifting COVID Rules


COVID-19 vaccines: What you need to know about side effects and risks


CDC, WHO Push Masks On Pregnant Women Without Evidence Of Safety


US States Report Sharp Drop in New Cases and Deaths


California Woman Comes Away With $1.3M Bill After COVID-19


COVID-19's Impact and Implications for Health Care Cost


Grand County Coroner Says State Is Inflating COVID-19 Death Count​


CA Gov. Newsom Hides Key Covid Data Used to Justify Endless


Lockdowns, ‘Too Complex and Would Confuse the Public


The COVID Deaths the Liberal Media Doesn't Like to Talk About


COVID Lockdowns Are Winding Down in Some Democratic-run States. Here's Why


​New York Times to Americans: Double Masking!


Life in Wuhan Returns to Normal, Rest of the World Still Battles COVID


The Numbers Are In: Cuomo’s Draconian Lockdowns Cost New York 1 Million Jobs


WHO Admits High-Cycle PCR Tests Produce COVID False Positives


COVID Miracle: Democrat Leaders Are Allowing Businesses to Open


Anthony Fauci Is Directly Responsible with Funding the Gain-of-Function Studies that Resulted in Coronavirus Pandemic 


WHO Changes CCP Virus Test Criteria in Attempt to Reduce False Positives


Biden's Team DARK SPRING: 100K COVID Deaths in March? Really?


640 Doctors Claim that “COVID-19 is a Global Scam”


COVID Miracle: Democrat Leaders Are Allowing Businesses to Open


Audit of Death Certificates Reveals COVID is Largely a Sham


Don’t Believe the COVID Case Numbers; It’s a Scam


Lockdown Measures Catastrophic for Recovering Addicts, Mental Health


They're Closing In 2021


When Restaurants Lose, the Whole Nation Suffers


Masks Can Be Murder


New Study Suggests Strong COVID-19 Immunity Lasts Nearly 8 Months


FBI Arrests CDC Critic Dr. Simone Gold


Let's Reset the World


Baby Bust: Pandemic to Spark Biggest Fertility Declines Since 1970s


Shifting Goalposts – COVID Deaths versus Vaccine Deaths


Coronavirus: Made in Chinese Lab


Coronavirus for Dummies


Study Shows Extremely Low Rate of Coronavirus Transmission in School, 0% from Child to Adult

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